
What is Storywork?

The key to unlocking insight and growth is often embedded in our stories of past harm—stories we’ve buried or tried to leave behind. Storywork is the practice of engaging your own story to open the door to greater healing and freedom.

Guided by a trained facilitator in a group or one-on-one setting, you’ll learn how your past stories of harm are crucial to living free from the impact of trauma and living fully into who you were created to be. The process includes exploring the stories that shaped you through writing, reflecting, and purposeful conversation.

Your Guide

Steadfast Founder and Story Facilitator, Addie Mumey.

Addie Mumey

Steadfast Founder & Story Facilitator

Addie is passionate about bringing others near to their story in order for them to experience care, healing, and freedom. She’s found storywork to be a powerful tool in encountering God in her own story and experiencing greater levels of purpose in her life.

Addie was trained in Narrative-Focused Trauma Care by the Allender Center at The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology and completed their externship program in February 2022. In addition to her Allender training, she has a masters degree in psychology from Columbia University with a focus on global mental health and trauma. Alongside her work at Steadfast, she’s a wife and mother of three. Addie currently lives in Atlanta, GA and loves the time she gets to spend in nature, traveling, and trying new foods.


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